Original Oyster House

Original Oyster House


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美国 匹兹堡 20 Market Sq, 匹兹堡, PA


全年 周三-周五 11:00-19:00开放; 全年 周六 12:00-20:00开放


+1 412-566-7925

Welcome to the Original Oyster House! The oldest restaurant and bar in downtown Pittsburgh, PA! We have been serving amazing oysters and fish sandwiches since 1870 and work to continue our amazing family tradition every day. Our oyster bar is a historical landmark and we have expanded next door to now offer a larger dining area with the option for private parties and events as well. Join us for a beer, a glass of wine, or a delicious lunch or dinner! We are the most authentic seafood restaurant in town. Come learn our amazing story and try our fish!