Piercing Pagoda

Banter by Piercing Pagoda


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美国 肯特伍德 3195 28th Street SE, G-116A, Grand Rapids, MI 49512


全年 周一-周四 11:00-19:00开放; 全年 周五-周六 11:00-21:00开放; 全年 周日 12:00-18:00开放


+1 616-974-5781

We're sorry, this location is closed right now. Stay tuned for your closest Piercing Pagoda store to reopen soon! Until then, you can find beautiful jewelry, amazing online deals, and book virtual consultations with our personal stylists on our website, www.pagoda.com! Be more you and express your style through piercings and jewelry! As the leader in ear piercings, we not only offer free piercings with the purchase of piercing earrings, but we have an endless collection of real diamonds, 10K & 14K gold, and sterling silver jewelry. Shop us for hoops, charms, chains, rings, bracelets, and more!