Aurora Beauty Co

Aurora Beauty Co Ltd.


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加拿大 乔治王子城 740 3rd Avenue, Prince George BC V2L3C5


全年 周一-周五 9:00-17:00开放


+1 250-563-8025

At Aurora Beauty we sell wholesale supplies, tools and systems to the professional. We cover hair, skin, nails, lashes, brows, body and nail art. You must have a certificate in the beauty industry from training from a school or module that shows you understand the protocols for that particular skill. We also provide advanced training in all areas so the professional can expand their skills. We stand behind our products with ongoing instruction, support, technical and opportunities to grow. You can phone, text, email or face book questions and orders. We ship all over BC and travel to many places to support the professional. We are 30 years of experience in the industry. The wig store is by appointment only and operates to help those going through treatment or suffering from hair loss. This is a value added service that we provide for those in need. Call ahead.