Junction Antique Mall

Junction Antique Mall


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美国 纳科多奇斯县 5447 US-59 S, Nacogdoches, TX 75964


全年 周一-周六 9:00-18:00开放; 全年 周日 12:00-18:00开放


+1 936-560-6365

Antique Mall (over 40 dealers), plants Antique Mall, 12,000 Sq. ft, air conditioned, over 40 exhibitors. Visa, Master Card, check and cash accepted. Layaway offered. Glass ware, China, furniture, signs, knives, jewery custom new & vintage, knives, office furniture, cast iron, Rada products, Corning ware, Tupper Ware new & vintage, Sofia Lamps and fuel, records, Fesita and gift items Plants bougianvillea, plumeria, ferns, ivy, fig and tropical. Service; Caning and rush repair of chair seats