Greensleeves Florist

Greensleeves Florist


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美国 费尔法克斯县 11725 Lee Hwy, Fairfax, VA 22030


全年 周二-周五 9:00-17:00开放; 全年 周六 9:00-16:00开放; 全年 周一 9:00-17:30开放


+1 703-691-0303

Greensleeves Florist has proudly served Northern Virginia for over 35 years. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, which are backed by our prompt and friendly service. Because all of our customers are important, our professional staff is dedicated in making your floral experience a pleasant one. At Greensleeves we will always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect. Let us be your first choice for flowers.