Steadfast Acres

Steadfast Acres


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美国 戈登 13203 170th St, Osakis, MN 56360, United States



+1 320-500-3276

We are Luke and Katie Fiskness, owners of Steadfast Acres Farm in Osakis, MN. About seven years ago we became passionate about what we fed our own family. We learned that most eggs you buy in the grocery store are six weeks old before you ever get them. We learned that most commercially raised chicken has less than 1 square feet of space to move. We learned that most lamb and beef is raised on a feed lot and these beautiful animals never set foot on a green pasture. We knew that had to be a better way. We knew there had to be better food to feed our family. Food that is sustainably raised. Food that is ethically raised. Food that is connected to the land. We have that better way here at Steadfast Acres. You want better food? Partner with us.