Ferguson Florists Inc

Ferguson Florists Inc


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美国 阿塔拉 331 W 5th Ave, Attalla, AL 35954


全年 周一-周六 8:00-16:30开放; 全年 周日 8:00-11:30开放


+1 256-538-9901

Ferguson Florist has been serving the Attalla-Gadsden area and supplying it's floral needs for 50 years. We're located in downtown Attalla, across from our wedding chapel - the most beautiful in the Southeast, a full service chapel! Our shop has a steady supply of flowers coming in from South America, Holland, Hawaii and the United States. We also keep an extensive inventory of green and blooming plants, both domestic and exotic. Our designers can build a fruit, gift or gourmet basket for you, and we have balloons with any message you can think of to send alone, or with flowers or a stuffed animal. Our funeral work is absolutely outstanding! Whatever the occasion, Ferguson's can express your sentiments perfectly. Order your Valentine’s Day flowers today for best selection!