Shane Co.

Shane Co.


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美国 阿尔法利塔 10885 Haynes Bridge Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30022


全年 周二-周五 11:00-19:00开放; 全年 周六 10:00-19:00开放; 全年 周日 12:00-18:00开放


+1 678-393-0701

We are open and excited to welcome you back into our store with a new shopping experience. Please note there may be wait times. For everyone's safety, we are requiring all employees and customers to wear a face mask while in the store. Additionally, we have implemented extra cleaning and sanitizing protocols, in addition to those set by local governments, to ensure our employees and customers have a safe shopping experience. Our hours have also changed: We’re now open Monday through Friday from 11am to 7pm, Saturday from 10am to 5pm, and Sunday from noon to 5pm. ​ In addition to visiting us, you can also schedule an in-store appointment with one of our jewelry consultants, text with us by sending "friend" to (678) 379-4242, or use our No-Contact Curbside Service for jewelry repairs, clean & checks, making payments, and picking up orders. Shane Co. is proud to be Atlanta's top family-owned jewelry store with the largest selection of exclusively designed engagement rings, wedding bands, and fashion jewelry. With four generations years as your friend in the jewelry business, we hand-pick the best ethically sourced diamonds, rubies, sapphires, gemstones, and pearls, giving you the best value and prettiest stones for your budget.