Designer Exchange

Designer Exchange


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英国 曼彻斯特 Unit 15 Royal Exchange Manchester M2 7BR


全年 周一-周六 10:00-18:00开放; 全年 周日 11:00-18:00开放


+44 161 819 5337

Designer Exchange was established in 2013 in Knightsbridge, becoming the first pre-owned designer accessory store to offer instant payment and exchange. With three UK stores and our first European store in Madrid, Designer Exchange is expanding to meet the demands of our valued clientele. Created with admiration for designer handbags and a passion for sustainability, Designer Exchange aims to revolutionise the pre-owned industry. Combined, our teams have over 20 years industry experience and guarantee that all handbags and accessories are authentic and in good condition. Contribute to sustaining the designer handbag industry by buying, selling or exchanging with Designer Exchange.