Midwest Family Connections

Midwest Family Connections


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加拿大 罗明斯特 103-4910 50 Street, Lloydminster SK S9V0Y5


全年 周二-周四 9:00-12:00,13:00-16:00开放; 全年 周五 9:00-12:00,13:00-15:00开放


+1 306-825-5911

Midwest Family Connections (MFC) was incorporated in 1982, under the name Lloydminster Early Intervention, as a not for profit, parent-driven organization established to provide home based early childhood intervention services to families of pre-school aged children who were experiencing or were at risk for developmental delays in the Lloydminster and surrounding areas. Since 1982, the agency has evolved to provide an array of universally accessible programs. In 2005, MFC became a designated Parent Link Centre, a designation provided by the Alberta Ministry of Children's Services. Under this designation, we provide parents, caregivers and their children with supports to ensure children develop and fulfill their potential. Parents and caregivers can access information and resources, obtain referrals and meet other parents, children and families while taking part in quality parent education, early learning and family support activities. No fees & all families welcome.