Bare Naked Noodles

Bare Naked Noodles


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美国 谢尔比县 5511 Highway 280, Suite 109, Birmingham, AL 35242


全年 周二-周五 10:00-18:00开放; 全年 周六 10:00-15:00开放


+1 205-423-5293

What is Bare Naked Noodles? We are Birmingham's only maker and retail seller of fresh, homemade pasta and sauces owned and operated by Linda Croley. Bare Naked Noodles is the best of both worlds: Italian inspired foods with a Southern style. From pasta to sauces, we rely on fresh, locally-produced ingredients, with a strong sense of history. Bare Naked Noodles sells artisan pasta, fresh lasagnas, meatballs, ravioli, gift baskets and locally produced artisan food products. We offer take-out meals, catering and private dinners at our café.