The Warehouse

The Warehouse


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美国 西哥伦比亚 312 State St, West Columbia, SC 29169, United States


全年 周二-周六 10:00-18:00开放; 全年 周日 11:00-16:00开放


+1 803-834-7557

Conveniently located on State St in West Columbia, South Carolina, we are your local consignment shop. We buy and sell furniture, lighting, home décor, vintage items, antiques, artwork, and much more. We also have a large variety of salvaged architecture, re-purposed items, and items that need a creative touch and some TLC. In addition to the products we have in stock, we also display original artwork by local artists. Are you looking for a gift for someone? We would love to help. Because our selection is so eclectic, we have items that make perfect gifts even for the person who has it all. Our inventory is ever changing because we get new items in daily. You will want to get here to check out what we have in store. Stop by today!